Terms Of Service
Don't upload anything that can be even remotely construed as porn, copyrighted material, harassment, or spam. If you do, we will ban you, delete all your files, and prevent you from downloading any files hosted on Private Filebox.
1. Definitions
- Private Filebox refers to the Private Filebox Corporation and this website, and excludes its shareholders, owners, or operators.
- File refers to any document that has the potential to be uploaded to Private Filebox.
- User refers to the individual who uploads files to Private Filebox, has uploaded files to Private Filebox, or accesses files from Private Filebox.
- URL refers to the location of any file located on Private Filebox's servers.
2. Terms of Service
Private Filebox reserves the right to remove or replace any uploaded files, and assumes no liability for lost registration links or misplaced file URLs. Changing Private Filebox linking codes is prohibited without prior permission. If you use any Private Filebox's service, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password.
The following types of files constitute 'abuse' and may not be uploaded under any circumstances, when using Private Filebox's file hosting :
- Pornographic files. This includes, but is not limited to, files depicting genitalia, nudity, or sexual situations.
- Files that are illegal and/or are in violation of any United States laws.
- Files that infringe on the copyrights of any entity excluding the user.
- Non-image or non-video files. This includes archived non-image files.
- Files intending to harass or spam, or promote anything for commercial profit.
If any domain hotlinks to abusive files, any file hotlinked on that domain will display this image, and the domain's owner must ensure the quick removal of all files hotlinked from Private Filebox on that domain. Files containing the words 'toplist', 'topsites', 'porn', or 'hentai' are banned regardless of abuse.
When using Private Filebox's Torrent Service Private Filebox reserves the right to remove or replace any uploaded files, and assumes no liability for files uploaded by users onto their dedicated server space. Users registering more than one free account with Private Filebox's torrent service will be banned and all accounts and files uploaded will be removed.
The following types of files constitute 'abuse' of Private Filebox's Torrent Service and may not be uploaded to user's dedicated server space under any circumstances:
- Files that are illegal and/or are in violation of any United States laws.
- Files that infringe on the copyrights of any entity excluding the user.
- Files intending to harass or spam, or promote anything for commercial profit.
Uploading abusive files may result in the immediate termination of the user's ability to use Private Filebox or any of its provided services. The Private Filebox website may not load, all Private Filebox-hosted files may not load, and all files and accounts related to the abusive files will be subject to deletion. Circumventing Private Filebox's ability to enforce the Private Filebox Terms of Service will result in prosecution.
To report any type of abuse, send email using the contact page.
3. Privacy
All information provided by the user is strictly confidential. Private Filebox reserves the right to distribute aggregated demographic information provided by the user, but Private Filebox will never release any personal information about the user without permission. However, Private Filebox reserves the right to release user information if user has violated the Private Filebox Terms of Service, if the user has committed unlawful acts, if the information is subpoenaed, or if Private Filebox deems it necessary or appropriate.
4. Legal Policy
Private Filebox Terms of Service are subject to change without notice.
All files are © to their respective owners. Private Filebox directs full legal responsibility of files to their respective users. All other content © Private Filebox. Private Filebox is not responsible for the content any uploaded files, nor is it in affiliation with any entities that may be represented in the uploaded files.
Except where diligently implied, absolutely NO part of Private Filebox may be reproduced or recreated without explicit written permission by operators of Private Filebox and certified written verification by Notary Public.
5. Limitation of Liability
User agrees that the use of Private Filebox's services is entirely at User's own risk. Private Filebox's services are provided on an 'as is' basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, constructive, or statutory, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose.
Private Filebox makes no guarantee of availability of service and reserves the right to change, withdraw, suspend, or discontinue any functionality or feature of Private Filebox's services. In no event shall Private Filebox be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use Private Filebox's services or any content thereon. This disclaimer applies, without limitation, to any damages or injury, whether for breach of contract, tort, or otherwise, caused by any failure of performance; error; omission; interruption; deletion; defect; delay in operation or transmission; computer virus; file corruption; communication-line failure; network or system outage; or theft, destruction, unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of any record.
6. Indemnity
User agrees to indemnify and hold Private Filebox harmless from any loss, liability, claims, damages and expenses, including attorneys fees, arising from or related to the content, use, or deletion of User's Files or use of any other feature or service. This expressly includes:
- User's responsibility for any and all liability arising from the violation or infringement of proprietary rights or copyrights.
- Any defamatory or unlawful material contained within User's Files.
7. Maintenance
Private Filebox may perform maintenance services as Private Filebox determines reasonably necessary. User acknowledges that such maintenance may require downtime. Private Filebox will attempt to provide prior notice of the maintenance downtime, except in the case that circumstances beyond Private Filebox's control limit the ability to do so.
8. Subscription and Payments
Private Filebox's file hosting is free. If user needs more space and capacity and decides to upgrade to Private Filebox Premium File Hosting or acquire more space and bandwidth for Torrent service, user will be responsible for managing the subscription via user's PayPal account identified at the time of subscription. User's PayPal account will be billed automatically based on the subscrition terms selected by the user at the time of the subscription. User can cancel the subscription at any time using their PayPal account.